Far Away From Home You Find Your Self
Experience Original Chinese Healing Culture - experience SELF-Healing:
We OURSELVES are Our best and only true Doctor.
3 weeks beautiful China seaside, original TCM, integral yoga, holistic health coaching
I am Stefan Wagner and my vision is, that all humans recognize and experience their real, intrinsic health and their abundant self-healing power.
For years I live in China togehter with family, working as a German yoga teacher and mental coach. I am a facilitator of both cultures and I am very grateful to experience the pure and original TCM as part of the ancient Chinese culture in the country of its origin and to be a partner in a network of self-experienced Chinese healers.
Why „original TCM“?
Worldwide - and also in China - the practice and teaching of TCM is different, which is related to its development in terms of age and region.
This is similar to pure spring water is at its source compared with this water being distributed throughout the country and being bottled together with different additives and being sold under the label of 'water of that spring'.
Of course, every age and region had the need for their own specific modifications of TCM derived from the pure origin. In order for real self-healing to happen today, it is important to become aware of the pure essence again and to associate it with one's own individual feeling.
Knowing the pure form of the original TCM and seeing its underlying logic helps us to develop our own self-awareness of our own individual body-mind-soul system and learn to perceive its subtle interconnections. A doctor, teacher or coach can wonderfully support healing, but each person can only truly heal on their own (and this is an ongoing process in steps).
Recognizing and making an experience of this self-healing forces inherent in all of us is an essential part of my offer.
What do we want to effect?
It is my heartfelt longing for as many people in the West as possible to have access to this hidden treasures of this pure, original Chinese healing culture and to establish a trusting connection to experienced Chinese healers and teachers of their own culture. In the coziness of an individual small group I want to enable the experience of the bustling liveliness of everyday life in China and the warm friendliness of its people.
It is the mission of my heart to inspire people for the harmonious cooperation of ancient Chinese medicine with spiritual yoga and modern coaching, and to restore their own self-healing power with a contemporary, holistic healing culture.
Why the combination of TCM, yoga and coaching in China?
From my own experience as a yoga teacher for integrative yoga in the tradition of Swami Sivananda I know the positive effect of a regular self-practice.
And as a mental trainer according to the methods of popular scientific psychology, I am aware of the importance of a personal vision together with a well-working mindset to initiate a transformation of their own habits and to be able to establish them sustainably.
That's why I love the wonderfully complementary combination of a soothing holistic package of TCM treatments, yoga practice and mental training along with a multi-week "change of scenery": completely far away from Western everyday life, immerse yourself into a completely different culture in the paradise of a modern subtropical island. Experience this adventure together in the familiarity of a small group of like-minded companions.
What is waiting for you?
My intention with this extraordinary experience journey is a long-term improvement of your constitution, a targeted healing support in case of complaints and a finer perception of the real needs of your body, your mind and your soul.
At the same time, the effects from different levels support you:
Dissolve stagnations of energy (Qi), stagnations body fluids (Xue) and drain out accumulated coldness from your body by
individually tailored TCM treatments:
- Tuina body massage, deep penetrating Guasha and facial massage,
- Acupuncture, Bagua and Moxibustion,
- Decoctions, oils and essences of Chinese medicinal plants,
- emotional and mental awareness.
You gain an insight into the original traditional Chinese culture and its resulting TCM.
You rediscover the meaning of the natural cycles and circulations and their connectivity with our human being.
Spiritual Yoga Practice according to the tradition of Swami Sivananda keeps you in the daily frame of the program and shows you possibilities, what you can do for yourself on a regular, even daily basis.
Balanced Healthy Food according to TCM, culinary delights of the Chinese cuisine and on request also Western food nourishes and calms body, mind and soul.
You can feel how healthy lifestyle affects your physical and mental well-being and you can take home with you valuable ideas from your own experience on the spot.
Holistic Coaching and Mindset-Sessions will help you to develop your personal vision of health and life. In a joint Discussion Circle you recognize and understand holistic connections between TCM, yoga and modern psychology.
You will use your own experiences with healthy habits and you will start a sustainable change of your life towards more vitality.
In the Overview of a Mindmap you see in one glance all the elements and effects of this programme, as well as the connected experiences and all, what you can expect here:
We invite you to also have a look to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
Do you feel addressed, do you want to book, do you have further questions?
Then please contact me for a detailed face to face online chat, so we can learn eachother, understand and match our mutual needs and expectations together.
Stefan und Stefanie Wagner
Skype: stefanwagner.44
Email: stefanwagner.44@freenet.de
Cell Phone: +86 182 059 101 91 or +49 176 6841 6881 (for SMS)